Longtime no hear....
Hmmm.... where to begin....
It's been really hectic around here lately plus, I haven't been around here lately. In summary form;
*Worked a Golf Expo for SockGuy last weekend (it was empty, the only good thing was I got a massage from
CMC each day I worked). Cassidy's did the right thing and brought some lovely ladies....
*SG had a little get together for my birthday at PizzaPort
*Karen had a shindig at her house on Sunday.
*I stayed at the DeBoer casa (watching Elvis) while they were in Mexico.
*Two tune-ups this week.
*Appointment with Tax Guy (Ugh...Cost more than I thought it would but, I am glad they are done.)
*Worked the California Half Ironman this morning, fifth year in a row (4 tech support, 1 sag support).
Well, that's about it. I have two tuneups that I need to start tomorrow that are due this week, Two to pick up and one to deliver.
Busy, to say the least. That is a good thing... the bank account is looking bleak.
Until then...